Image of Fr. Ravalli
The amazing talent of Fr. Ravalli can be seen in the photos below.  He handcrafted much of the furniture, including Fr. Superior's desk, as well as many of the objects in the photos, such as his chalkboard/easel.
More examples of his artistic talents are shown in the Mission Chapel.
The Book Shop
Visit The Book Shop for more history of Fr. Ravalli and his contributions to Historic St. Mary's and the State of Montana.
~ Father Anthony Ravalli, S.J. ~
St. Mary's Peak in July
It was largely due to the mechanical skills of Fr. Ravalli that the first flour mill and saw mill were erected in what is now the State of Montana. Although primitive, both helped to feed the priests and natives and provide lumber for housing.
Photo of the S.S. Anthony Ravalli
Image of 1984 Ravalli Commerative Poster
Mission Complex, Cross on a Hill brand at St. Mary's Mission
Stevensville, Montana site of Historic St. Mary's Mission
Where Montana Began
Fr. Anthony Ravalli left an amazing legacy. His many talents helped create the foundation for the beginnings of the State of Montana.Fr. Ravalli's cabin in 1975 prior to restoration work.The cabin in 2009Both pharmacist and physician, Fr. Ravalli dispensed medicine from the ride-up window seen on the left.A gifted carpenter, Fr. Ravalli made all the items in this photo. A replica of his unique stool, seen to the right, is for sale in the Gift Shop. Fr. Ravalli made this desk for the Father Superior. using whatever wood was available. The three small drawers on the top left were made from cigar boxes.Fr. Ravalli's desk.Tool chest and some of the tools used by Fr. Ravalli in his carpentry and scupltures.Effigy of St. Ignatius crafted by Fr. Ravalli. He used wire to fashion the cassock and then covered it with canvas. The head and hands are carved from wood.The statue of St. Mary that resides in the Chapel was carved by Fr. Ravalli using 2 pine logs. Berry juice was used to stain the gown.Fr. Ravalli is buried in the cemetary at the Mission.  The monument was purchased with monies from  contributions from people throughout the State of Montana to honor his memory.
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Last Update: 8/24/2016
Historic St. Mary's Mission, Inc. * All Rights Reserved
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P.O. Box 211
315 Charlo Street
Stevensville, MT 59870